Complementary Interventions - Special Initiatives

1. Traceability
This is a system the company has implemented to trace every bag of cocoa procured in all our cocoa districts, to the purchasing clerk who bought the beans from the farmer and finally to the farmer who produced the beans. This initiative has yielded a positive outcome because of the company’s commitment to its strong farmer base. Our organized, registered and trained farmers also enjoy a congenial working environment with Lead commodities our special initiative. Our cocoa traceability program helps the company to address any challenge at our societal, district, port of destination and even in overseas.

2. Sustainability
In recent times, global cocoa market has been concerned with sustainability of cocoa production. This is mainly aimed at ensuring continuous supply of cocoa beans to the manufacturing companies and also to ensure the production of ethical chocolate and other products made from cocoa. We define sustainable cocoa as cocoa that is produced in accordance with economic, ecological and social requirements, which means that its production is economical, environmentally friendly and socially responsible, without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs. Sustainable production and consumption trends in the cocoa sector, can enhance farmers’ livelihoods by improving farm gate prices and incomes, supporting climate resilience, promoting better trade relations, and fostering price transparency across the value chain to fuel a more sustainable global cocoa sector.  It is in the light of this that sustainable certification standards have been evolved with the provision of incentives to farmers. Lead Commodities Global therefore mobilize, sensitize and train our farmers to comply with the prevailing sustainable standards to enable us obtain premium for the farmers as well as enhancing our revenue base. 

About us

Lead Commodities Global Limited is a Company Limited by shares and registered under the Companies Act, 2019 (act 992), incorporated in 2021, and granted a license by the Ghana Cocoa Board in 2023 to undertake the internal marketing of cocoa, and general commodities in Ghana. Lead Commodities Global Ltd is a leading global commodity merchant and sustainable supply chain management company.

Contact Us

2nd Floor, Top Martins Complex,
Asokwa, Kumasi

